Saturday, July 30, 2011

Herro, Wercome tsu Japan! (Final Volume)

My my, you know it's close to the end when I've gotta make one last photo dump of Engrish pictures I've accumulated.

Love & Peace! Beat Wishes for you! 

Delica AND Tessen? How can I lose?

I don't know what a "unipue" method is, but it must be fancy to warrant it as a menu item description

"Mildly Air Conditioned" 

I'd like a coop of noodles please.

I don't think creamed corn and ice cream cones have much in common.

I would have bought this shirt had it not been $30.

Now this is just "duh."  Of course Tommy Lee Jones is the boss of coffee.

 "Now I feel the same the seas This time on the waves"

What a cute kid.  With such a nisE shirt
The most hardcore pair of $1 slippers I've ever seen (pardon the light obscenity)

1 comment:

  1. "Co-Op" is a store name, actually. :) I used to shop there, all the time. But the rest of the Engrish is hilarious. :D "Soft Cream Corn". YES.
