My my, you know it's close to the end when I've gotta make one last photo dump of Engrish pictures I've accumulated.
Love & Peace! Beat Wishes for you!
Delica AND Tessen? How can I lose?
I don't know what a "unipue" method is, but it must be fancy to warrant it as a menu item description
"Mildly Air Conditioned"
I'd like a coop of noodles please.
I don't think creamed corn and ice cream cones have much in common.
I would have bought this shirt had it not been $30.
Now this is just "duh." Of course Tommy Lee Jones is the boss of coffee.
"Now I feel the same the seas This time on the waves"
What a cute kid. With such a nisE shirt
The most hardcore pair of $1 slippers I've ever seen (pardon the light obscenity)
"Co-Op" is a store name, actually. :) I used to shop there, all the time. But the rest of the Engrish is hilarious. :D "Soft Cream Corn". YES.